To pay tribute to this wonderful area of knowledge, I’ve put together a collection of communication quotes. The idea is to update this post, always adding new communication
phrases. This way you’ll be able to keep motivated to dedicate yourself to your
communication strategy, whether it’s for yourself or your brand.
I’ve been studying and writing about communication for years and anyone who follows me
knows how much I enjoy studying and working with the world of communication. This universe
is so vast that there are many areas to get to know: visual communication, verbal or oral
communication, non-verbal communication, etc. And all of them are equally incredible and full
of possibilities, don’t you agree?
And that’s how this post was born and will be built. I will always keep this post updated, based
on my studies and readings on Social Communication and related areas. I hope you enjoy this
special selection of quotes on communication, read them all, reflect, write down your
favorites and let me know if you like them in the comments section.
Happy reading!
Get inspired by Communication quotes
“The bell was humanity’s first vehicle for mass communication.”
Alex Periscinoto
“Good communication is as stimulating as pure coffee, and sleep-depriving in the same way.”
Anne Spencer Morrow Lindbergh
“The way we communicate with others and with ourselves determines the quality of our lives.”
Anthony Robbins
“Communication is the vehicle that transports us to the outer space of human understanding and evolution.”
Armando Ribeiro
“Sometimes I talk to men in the same way that children talk to their dolls: although he knows that the doll doesn’t understand him, using a pleasant and conscious vision, he manages to enjoy the communication.”
Arthur Schopenhauer
“The purpose of communication is to make yourself understood. But there are those who prefer to disagree.”
Augusto Branco
“Those who don’t communicate are trumpeted.”
“My problem is the fear of going mad. I have to control myself. There are laws governing communication. Impersonality is a condition. Separateness and ignorance are sin in a general sense. And madness is the temptation to be totally power.”
Clarice Lispector
“There is no greater illusion than opinion. Language is a means of communication between people.”
Elías Canetti
“Mass media, radio and especially television, have tried, not without success, to annihilate any possibility of being alone and reflecting.”
Eugenio Montale
“Anyone can speak obscurely; very few can speak clearly.”
Galileo Galilei
“The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has already been achieved.”
George B. Shaw
“If you pay attention to your speech, you will realize that it is guided by your less conscious purposes.”
George Eliot
“Lack of communication gives us the right to think whatever we want.”
Georgeana Alves

Communication – Quotes
“The fact that there are I don’t know how many millions of us and yet communication, complete communication, is totally impossible between two people seems to me to be one of the most tragic things in the world.”
Georges Simenon
“The freedom to seek and tell the truth is an essential element of human communication, not only with regard to facts and information, but also and especially about the nature and destiny of the human person, with regard to society and the common good, with regard to our relationship with God.”
John Paul II
“Above all freedoms, give me the freedom to know, to express myself, to debate autonomously, according to my conscience.”
John Milton
“A trend towards intellectual laziness has been established and oriented, and the media has a responsibility in this trend.”
José Saramago
“The more elaborate our means of communication are, the less we communicate.”
Joseph Boynton Priestley
“Graphic design is communication in art form.”
Luciano Skorianez
“If you’re not prepared for the media, they’ll make you love the oppressor and hate the oppressed.”
Malcom X
“Music may be the only example of what could have been – if there hadn’t been the invention of language, the formation of words, the analysis of ideas – the communication of souls.”
Marcel Proust
“The body says what words cannot say.”
Martha Graham
“It was only after technology invented the telephone, the telegraph, television and the internet that it was discovered that the most serious communication problem was close-up.”
Millôr Fernandes
“Success doesn’t just depend on how well you do your job, it also depends on how much you care and how you connect with people and get your message across.”
Nicholas Boothman
More Communication quotes
“Half-communication is bad.”
Pope Francis
“Literature is essentially solitude. It is written in solitude, read in solitude and, despite everything, the act of reading allows for communication between two human beings.”
Paul Auster
“Communication is the art of being understood.”
Peter Alexander Ustinov
“The most important thing in communication is to hear what hasn’t been said.”
Peter Drucker
“The biggest problem with communication is that we don’t listen to understand. We listen to respond. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intention of responding, we listen to what’s behind the words.”
Roy T. Bennett
“Communication is – starting with understanding – your own understanding of people.”
Shunryu Suzuki
“No thought is immune to its communication, and it is enough to express it in a false place and in a false agreement to undermine its truth.”
Theodor Adorno
“To communicate effectively, we have to recognize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide for our communication with others.”
Tony Robbins
“Art only offers alternatives to those who are not prisoners of the mass media.”
Umberto Eco
“Animation can explain anything the human mind can conceive. This facility is the most versatile and explicit means of communication ever invented for the enjoyment of the general public.”
Walt Disney
Did you like this collection of thoughts and phrases on social communication? Let me
know in the comments box so I can publish more inspirations here on the blog! And if you
have any suggestions to complement our collection, share them in the comments too.
You can also save this post to your favorites and come back from time to time to get inspired
and check out new quotes, reflections and thoughts. Also, learn much more about
communication on my YouTube channel, which is in Portuguese, but I always add English