It’s easy to understand what communication is when you realize that it’s a necessity
natural of human beings. Nobody lives without communicating. Even if you do it without
using words, through non-verbal communication.
Communication is essential in all aspects of life, whether personal or professional. Good
communication can strengthen relationships, resolve conflicts and drive success. That’s why
it’s important to understand the importance of effective communication and constantly
seek to improve our skills in this area. Whether it’s through verbal, written or non-verbal
communication, the ability to clearly convey a message is a key element of communication.
fundamental to our growth and development.
And remember that communication always involves one (or more) sender and one (or more)
receiver. Therefore, senders and receivers participate in an exchange of information, which
may or may not require a response.
In short, this communication process has been going on since before our primitive
ancestors started walking upright, back in prehistoric times. This is because, contrary to
what many people think, communication doesn’t just depend on speech and verbal
It all started when the pre-hominids developed a way of socializing and making records
using symbols and signs. Mainly through gestures, objects, sounds and whatever else they
had at their disposal.

Before homo sapiens, it was the cromagnon species that developed speech and created its own language.
Then they began to speak and represent animals and their fellow creatures using bones,
stones, ivory and other materials. Until the development of cave paintings. These were the first
signs of non-verbal communication in humanity.
And evolution really began when man started using symbols to represent not only objects, but also ideas. Since then, the human brain has been constantly evolving and, with the passage of time, these communicative processes have become increasingly complex.
In this way, speech took on patterns, drawings took on rules, writing was created, books began to be produced, means of mass message transmission were born, the internet emerged, etc. Fascinating, isn’t it? See what else you’ll learn in this post…
- A summary of what communication is
- What is the concept of communication?
- How did communication come about?
- When did communication become a science?
- What are the types of communication?
- What are the forms of communication?
- How important is communication for human beings?
- What is the best way to communicate?
- Understanding what communication is is essential!
What is the origin of the word “communication”?
The origin of the word communication lies both in the Latin noun commūnicātiō, which means “to establish a relationship with someone”, and in the form commūnicāre (or commūnicō), which means “to share, to divide, to make common”. In other words, the meaning of communication arose in ancient times, when the word was used to refer to the exchange of things and goods owned by more than one person.
A summary of what communication is
If you look it up in any dictionary (not Google!), you’ll find more than 15 definitions. I’ve already looked it up and my favorite is in Michaelis, which is also available online for free, so I’m taking the opportunity to record it here to make it easier to understand. Save this information about the definition of communication:
An act involving the transmission and reception of messages between the transmitter and
the receiver, through oral, written or gestural language, by means of agreed systems of
signs and symbols.
But to understand a concept very well, it’s not enough just to look for a meaning, you also
have to understand what it’s for. And author Juan Enrique Díaz Bordenave explained this
very well in his book What is Communication?
Above all, he points out that communication goes far beyond the media. In fact, they dominate
our routine so much that we end up forgetting that they represent the tiniest part of this
Communication enables people to relate to each other, transforming each other and the reality
BORDENAVE, Juan E. Díaz. What is Communication (p.36).
around them.
What is the concept of communication?
The concept of communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas and feelings
between individuals or groups. Remember that communication can take place in a variety of
ways, such as verbally, through written language, gestures or facial expressions.
Communication also involves understanding and interpreting the messages transmitted,
making it essential in all human interactions. Understanding the concept of communication is
fundamental to successful personal and professional relationships, as well as to the smooth
running of societies, communities, groups and organizations.
Remember that, in theory, communication is a way of exchanging messages between senders
and receivers, through a communication channel within a context. And in practice, the word
communication represents anyone’s ability to interact, express, build and share ideas,
feelings, experiences and more.
In other words, communication plays a fundamental role in the development of societies,
enabling the exchange of knowledge, the coordination of activities and the expression of
individual and collective identities. It is essential for creating interpersonal relationships,
sharing experiences and transmitting culture and values.
To give an example: this post is an act of communication, where I, Eliane, am sending out
content in text format. But I could also communicate this message in a lesson, a conversation, a
podcast, a drawing or a video.
And if you’re looking for a definition of communication according to authors, here’s another
excerpt from a highlighted book.
Communication is not to be confused with signaling or information. In nature and in
FILHO, Ciro Marcondes. Dictionary of communication (p. 173).
society, in subjective relationships, everything signals. Animals, human beings, events,
sensations, diffuse emanations from others. Everything around us produces signals that
may or may not be converted into components of the communication process. We are all,
in principle, senders. We are emitting signals all the time.
How did communication come about?
As we have seen, communication has existed since prehistoric times. And it is constantly
evolving, becoming more complex and increasingly sophisticated, and is a very important part
of society.
Just as an introduction, you should know that the first records of a primitive form of
communication date back millions of years. At that time, our ancestors were already using a
system of sounds and gestures to interact with each other, as part of their body language and
the beginnings of a verbal language.
And with the development of language and writing, the communication process really took off.
And it has continued to evolve to this day, where we have access t o countless means of
exchanging information at a speed unimaginable just a few years ago.
When did communication become a science?
It’s difficult to know when communication as a scientific and academic discipline first appeared.
But we do know that the first mentions of it were made by ancient Greek philosophers such as
Socrates and Aristotle.
However, we can point out that one of the first official mentions of communication as an
academic discipline was made by Thomas Hobbes in his book “Leviathan”, published in
In part of the book, the author talks about communication as a tool for social interaction and
human relations. I’ve highlighted a very interesting excerpt for you to understand the
importance of this publication by Hobbes.
“Special uses of speech are these: first, to record what by cogitation we discover to be the
HOBBER, Thomas. Leviathan (1651).
cause of anything, present or past; and what things present or past can produce or effect:
which, in short, is the acquisition of arts. Secondly, to show others the knowledge we have
attained; which is to advise and teach one another. Thirdly, to make known to others our wills
and purposes so that we can have each other’s mutual help. Fourthly, to please and delight
ourselves and others by playing with our words, for pleasure or ornament, innocently.”
The importance of communication studies
Although the study of communications has existed for centuries, it was only in the mid-20th
century that this field began to be discussed in academic circles.
Names like Theodor Adorno and Paul Lazarsfeld stand out when you consider what they
contributed to advancing our understanding of how people receive information through
various media channels. Even if some would say that these men were simply promoting other
sciences rather than developing a separate science themselves.
So today, communication is considered one of the most important areas of study in
sociology, psychology and other fields. And we owe much of our understanding of how
people relate to each other and to society as a whole to the scientists who have made
significant contributions to this area over time.
So now you know that communication is not just about sharing information or talking
about things, but is also an essential tool for interpersonal relationships and social
interaction. And although there is still a lot to be explored in this area of knowledge, I hope
that my simple definition can help you to better understand what communication is.
What do you think about communication as a science? Do you have any other ideas or
comments on this topic? Tell us in the comments box!
What are the types of communication?
Once you understand what communication is, it’s easy to identify the different types of
communication, which range from oral and written speech to non-verbal signals such as
gestures or facial expressions through body language. In other words, there are three main
types of communication, defined below.
- Verbal Communication: happens when we use words to create messages and express ourselves. It can take place orally or in writing, using language as the main communication channel to promote interaction and the exchange of information.
- Non-Verbal Communication: is the set of messages transmitted without the use of words. It includes gestures, postures, expressions, eye contact, drawings, signs, sounds and is often more important than verbal communication because it can reveal what we really think and feel.
- Mixed Communication: occurs when we combine verbal and non-verbal channels in order to give more emphasis to our messages.
- Visual Communication: this is another type of communication format, in which the message is conveyed through visual elements, such as images or videos. This method can be very useful in marketing campaigns or to explain any process that is more easily understood when seen.
- Sound communication: this is the type of communication in which the message is conveyed through sound. An example would be a telephone call or an audio message. People can also communicate using music if they want to. In cinema, for example, sounds are very carefully planned to build the message in the best way and impact the receiver.
What are the challenges that arise in any kind of communication?
Communication can often be challenging due to factors such as language barriers, differences
in cultural norms or expectations and differences in the context or setting in which the
message is being conveyed.
Other potential challenges include communication noise or misunderstandings due to a lack of
active listening skills, the use of inaccurate information or even prejudice.
What are the forms of communication?
We can apply the types in different ways to the development of the communication process in
different areas, both for personal interaction and relationships, and for internal relationships
and marketing strategies in companies. Some examples include:
- Mass Communication: when a message is sent to a large number of people through
mass media such as television, radio, newspapers or the internet. - Interpersonal communication: these are the conversations we have with other people
through social relationships, which can be personal (friends, family, etc.) or professional
(with colleagues in the company where we work, for example). - Intrapersonal communication: this is a form of inner communication, when we talk to
ourselves and reflect on our thoughts and feelings. Do you know when a person listens to
their inner voice? Understand the meaning as something like this. - Organizational Communication: or corporate communication, takes place strategically,
i.e. it is a process of great importance for companies. To this end, communication activity
takes place through press relations, public relations, internal communication, marketing,
social networks and many other possibilities.
Well, these are just some of the ways in which communication takes place. And we can also
mention the area of Social Communication, which encompasses all of these aspects and many
more, in order to train good professional communicologists.
Remembering that every communication process takes place through interactions
of the main elements, which include: sender, receiver, message, communication channel and
referent. And that the real meaning of any message ultimately depends on the knowledge,
beliefs, experiences and culture of its interlocutors.
How important is communication for human beings?
All the possibilities for communication have a direct impact on our life in society. It enables our
personal and professional development, facilitates the consumption of information and
content, strengthens businesses and companies, gives strength to public opinion, etc.
But perhaps the most important aspect is that communication allows us, in essence, to
connect with others, share ideas, demonstrate our point of view and build meaningful
relationships. And this is what makes us unique as human beings.
In personal life, communication is important for building healthy and lasting relationships, for
sharing our joys, struggles, fears and expectations. And in professional life, it is an essential
means of building solid networks of contacts and fostering collaboration and progress, regardless
of the area or company in which you work.
So, in summary, communication is a fundamental part of who we are as human beings and
has an impact on every aspect of our lives. It’s something that allows us to build a successful life in society.
Why do we communicate?
We communicate not just because it’s our basic human need. In fact, we could even say it’s
our life force. It’s a way of maintaining connections and relationships with the people around
us. And for this reason alone, communication is essential to existence.
But beyond that, communication allows us to share information, solve problems together, build
new skills and knowledge, create communities with values of universality, expressing feelings and emotions, managing conflicts in a healthy way, generating well-being, delighting the senses, etc.
That’s why, without communication, there would be no art, culture or philosophy. And
there probably wouldn’t be social networks or the internet either! As you can see, communication is essential for humans to evolve as individuals and societies. That’s why studying communication, investing in courses and practicing communication assertiveness on a daily basis is so important.
What is the best way to communicate?
You can’t define the best way to communicate. The ideal way will always be the one that
suits your needs at a particular time and place. The most important thing is to be aware of the
different types of communication so that you can choose the most appropriate one for each
However, when the focus is on activity within companies, it is necessary to invest in and create
good corporate communication strategies. As we saw earlier, this includes public relations, press
relations, marketing and many other possibilities.
What factors influence the effectiveness of communication?
The effectiveness of communication can be influenced by a number of factors, including
the context in which it takes place, the relationship between the sender and receiver,
and the cultural norms or expectations that are present in that context. Other important
factors include the clarity and precision of the message being sent.
What’s more, we mustn’t forget to be careful about the media and communication channels
we choose to send our messages. The wrong choice can also jeopardize the understanding
and purpose of the communication.
Communication is the sharing of meaning through the exchange of information. The
CASTELLS, Manuel. The power of communication (p.101)
process is defined by communication technology, the characteristics of the senders and
receivers of information, their cultural reference codes and communication protocols,
and the scope of the communication process.
Improve the way you communicate
Communication can be improved in many ways, including increasing clarity and
accuracy of the message conveyed, ensuring that both parties are listening and understanding
each other properly, and resolving any misunderstandings that may occur.
In addition, it is important to create a positive and open communication environment where
both parties feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings. Finally, improving communication also requires continuous practice, feedback and attention
to communication noises and barriers.
Watch out for communication noise
There are many potential barriers to communication, including physical barriers (such as noise
or distance, which interferes with the communication channel), linguistic barriers (such as
different languages) and psychological barriers (such as negative attitudes, lack of trust, or
lack of openness).
In order to improve communication in any context, then, it is essential to be aware of and
overcome these barriers. This may require changing the way you communicate or adapting
your communication style to suit different situations and people. And, with practice and
experience, you can become a more effective communicator.
Always remember that the aim is to make the same message common, i.e. to enable everyone
involved to understand everything that is being conveyed in any communication process. And
with the right mindset and a willingness to learn, you can improve your communication skills
and become a better communicator.
Understanding what communication is is essential!
Ultimately, the key to improving communication lies in our ability to listen and take the time to
understand others.
We must also be willing to learn from our mistakes, be open to feedback and always strive for
clarity and precision in what we say and do. Only then will we truly be able to build better and
more effective communication with others.
In conclusion, to give a summary of communication, we have several possibilities: written,
verbal, audio, visual, gestural, virtual and there’s no telling where else we’ll end up over time.
In other words, a simple hug is an act of communication, and so are the jokes we share in
Whastapp groups. Photography is communication. The songs of your favorite band are
communication. So is shaking hands, winking, raising an eyebrow. Everything
But that doesn’t mean that every act results in efficient communication. And my goal is to help
you communicate, make yourself understood and understand this universe in the best way
possible. I can contribute – whether it’s personal communication skills or business communication
I hope this summary of the definition of communication according to authors has helped you. If
you have any questions, please leave a comment below!